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Outside Pubs Referencing Cleaver

updated 8/16/2021

This section contains citations of publications that did not include NRBC personnel but referred to the Cleaver software.


João Salinet, Rubén Molero, Fernando S Schlindwein, Jöel Karel, Miguel Rodrigo, José Luis Rojo- Álvarez, Omer Berenfeld, Andreu M Climent, Brian Zenger, Frederique Vanheusden, et al. "Electrocardiographic imaging for atrial fibrillation: a perspective from computer models and animal experiments to clinical value" Frontiers in physiology, 12, 2021.


Julia Boonzaier, Petar I Petrov, Willem M Otte, Nickolay Smirnov, Sebastiaan FW Neggers, and Rick M Dijkhuizen. "Design and evaluation of a rodent-specific transcranial magnetic stimulation coil: An in silico and in vivo validation study." Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface,23(3):324–334, 2020.

Caroline Mendonca Costa, Caroline Roney, Marina Strocchi, Orod Razeghi, and Steven Niederer. "Clinical translation of patient-specific organ level cardiac models." Modeling and Simulating Cardiac Electrical Activity. Pages 8-1 to 8-19, 2020.

Anh Phong Tran, Shijie Yan, and Qianqian Fang. "Improving model-based functional near-infrared spectroscopy analysis using mesh-based anatomical and light-transport models." Neurophotonics, 7(1):015008, 2020.

Charlotte E Vorwald, Shreeya Joshee, and J Kent Leach. "Spatial localization of endothelial cells in heterotypic spheroids influences notch signaling." Journal of Molecular Medicine, pages 1–11, 2020.

Jing Xu. "Automatic linear and curvilinear mesh generation driven by validity fidelity and topological guarantees." , 2020.


Jiayi Yao, Xiuju Wu, Daoqin Zhang, Lumin Wang, Li Zhang, Eric X Reynolds, Carlos Hernandez, Kristina I Boström, Yucheng Yao, et al. "Elevated endothelial Sox2 causes lumen disruption and cerebral arteriovenous malformations." The Journal of clinical investigation, 129(8):3121–3133, 2019.


Sahar Bakhshian, Zhuofan Shi, Muhammad Sahimi, Theodore T Tsotsis, and Kristian Jessen. "Image-based modeling of gas adsorption and deformation in porous media." Scientific reports, 8(1) pp. 1-12, 2018.

Eloy García, Yago Diez, Oliver Diaz, Xavier Lladó, Robert Martý, Joan Martý, and Arnau Oliver. "A step-by-step review on patient-specific biomechanical finite element models for breast mri to x-ray mammography registration." Medical physics, 45(1):e6–e31, 2018.

Ho Quang Nguyen, Tien Tuan Dao, Alain Rassineux, and Marie Christine Ho Ba Tho. "Material-driven mesh of the lumbar spine derived from CT data." Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 6(2):128–136, 2018.

Jared Vicory, Ethan Murphy, and Ryan J Halter. "Creation and visualization of high-quality tetrahedral meshes from segmentations using 3d slicer." ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY, page 55, 2018.


Mar Cortes, Laura Dubreuil Vall, Giulio Ruffini, Douglas Labar, and Dylan Edwards. "Transcranial direct current stimulation in chronic spinal cord injury: quantitative eeg study." Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation 10(1):e13, 2017.

Fotios Drakopoulos. "Finite Element Modeling Driven by Health Care and Aerospace Applications." PhD thesis, Old Dominion University, 2017.

Jacob Fish and Nan Hu. "Multiscale modeling of femur fracture." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 111(1):3–25, 2017.

Kathleen M Friel, Peter Lee, Disha Gupta, Hsing-Ching Kuo, Ana RP Smorenburg, and Dylan J Edwards. "Combined transcranial direct current stimulation and upper extremity robotic therapy improves upper extremity function in an adult with cerebral palsy: A pilot study." Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(1):e13, 2017.

Anh Phong Tran and Qianqian Fang. "Fast and high-quality tetrahedral mesh generation from neuroanatomical scans." arXiv preprint, arXiv:1708.08954, 2017.

Laura Dubreuil Vall, Mar Cortes, Dylan Edwards, Giulio Ruffini, and David Putrino. "EEG recordings during sham control transcranial direct current stimulation protocol." Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(1):e13, 2017.

Chuan Wang, Jie Zhu, Yanwen Guo, and Wenping Wang. "Video vectorization via tetrahedral remeshing." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(4):1833–1844, 2017.

Jing Xu and Andrey N Chernikov. "Homeomorphic tetrahedralization of multi-material images with quality and fidelity guarantees." Procedia engineering, 203:40–52, 2017.


Yu Andy Huang. Computational Models of Current Flow in Transcranial Electrical Stimulation. PhD thesis, The City College of New York, 2016.